Front-end projects

Dictionary App

Dictionary App

Built using HTML, an active API, advanced CSS, and React.

Ai Recipe Generator

AI Recipe Generator

Built using HTML, an active API, advanced CSS, and JavaScript.

Weather App

Weather App

Built using HTML, an active API, advanced CSS, and React.

World Clock App

World Clock App

Built using HTML, an active API, and advanced CSS and JavaScript.

Australian Shep project preview

Australian Shep Project

Built with HTML and CSS.

Travel landing Page

Travel Page

Built using HTML, and advanced CSS and responsive techniques.

Case Studies

MergeBase Project

UX Design and SEO Strategy

Startup in the field of cybersecurity with the objective of increasing traffic through SEO and converting more customers to start a free trial. The project had three parts: Optimization and adaptation of all pages for better ranking in Google, redesigning the pages to increase conversion, and implementation of on-page and off-page SEO strategies and content to increase traffic.

  • 50% more organic traffic after three months.
  • 3x more free trials started in the first month after the changes.
  • 3x more traffic than the target.
Content Creation Project

Content Creation

Created content aimed at increasing followers and promoting the account's Amazon affiliate store. More than 100 posts were created in 4 months, with one post per day from Monday to Friday with at least one reels in the week.

  • Almost 1M views in a single reel
  • Increase of 2K followers in less than two months
  • Engagement increase by 200%
Event Management - Case Study

Event Management

Annually, the company celebrates its B2B clients with a special event aimed at honoring the top sellers and concluding with exclusive sales discounts. The event unfolds in three key phases: Firstly, travel and accommodation expenses for all guests are covered by the company. Secondly, participation in the Autopar Convention enhances the brand's visibility and showcases its potential to B2B clients. The event culminates in a gala dinner, featuring lectures, an awards ceremony for the leading sellers, and an exclusive sales promotion. This annual gathering underscores the company's commitment to strengthening partnerships with its B2B clients.

  • More than 4k people visited the stand during the Autopae Convention.
  • 103 B2B clients participated in the event.
  • Sales - 80,000 tires sold in just 3 hours, more than 30% of the event's target.

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